LTAD Description
LTAD is a Canadian-made model that recognizes best practices in sport. It is based on the physical, emotional and psychological development of children and adolescents. Athletes who progress through the stages of LTAD experience instruction, training and competition which align with their specific biological and developmental needs. The model provides a path to better sport, greater health and higher achievement.
Saskatoon Ringette Association (SRA) recognizes the following:
- Science, research and decades of experience show that kids and adults will get active, stay active and even reach the greatest heights of sport achievement if they do the right things at the right times.
- LTAD has been successfully adopted by numerous Canadian and international sport organizations.
- Exploring new ways to improve athlete development is central to Canadian sport policy, and a better approach to athlete recruitment and development forms a key element of Ringette Canada's long-term strategy.
- Ringette Canada held an athlete development conference in 2006 to inform the creation of a ringette-specific LTAD model. A committee then developed an LTAD Framework for Ringette that was unanimously endorsed at the 2008 Ringette Canada AGM.
- The intent of LTAD is to enable ALL athletes to reach their full potential, and to improve the overall experience for everyone so that ringette becomes a sport for life for many more of its participants.
- LTAD requires a "shift in thinking" about the best ways to engage and develop athletes. Sport concepts that make sense in the adult world "don't always make sense for young peope" in terms of optimizing their sport experience.
The SRA Commitment
- In October 2015, the SRA Board voted to implement LTAD principles based on Ringette Canada's framework. SRA's commitment to the model signals a focus on creating a program structure that is consistent with the best available evidence on athlete development.
- SRA will explore different avenues for implementing LTAD, particularly for the younger age divisions (U12 and below), which have been identified as the key age groups for developing fundamental skating and ringette skills.
- SRA will evaluate and, if necessary, adjust any program modifications arising from adherence to the LTAD model.
- SRA will be open and transparent about any changes being made to ringette in Saskatoon due to adherence to the LTAD model.
Positive Sport
Why Kids Play Sports
Ringette Canada Development Pathway
Ringette Canada Athlete Development Matrix
Ringette Canada LTAD Framework
Ringette Sask LTAD Recommendations
Ringette BC Children's Ringette Program
Ringette BC U9 to U12 Handbook
Ringette Alberta Athlete Development Plan
Ringette Manitoba Ringette4U Program
Ringette Ontario Skills Matrix Assessments
Ringette New Brunswick LTAD Coaches Guide
Hockey Canada Long Term Player Development Framework
USA Hockey Athlete Development Model
LTAD Info for Parents
Sport for Life
Active for Life
Changing the Game Project
Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity (CAAWS)
Coaching the Female Athlete
Putting Kids Back Into Kids' Sport
The Epidemic That's Ruining Youth Sports
How Early Sport Specialization is Eroding Youth Sport

Ringette Canada Guiding Principles for Competition
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